100 year old gum 💯

Published in
2 min readJan 4, 2018


It’s time for our random Fooji facts 💯

The Kit Kat was originally made by Rowntree, then in 1988 they were bought by Nestle 💸 Coffee breaks would never be the same 🙏

Juicy Fruit and Wrigley’s spearmint gums are more than 100 years old 💯 Were you ever really a kid if you’ve never eaten Juicy Fruit 🤔

Octopuses are eaten alive in Korea 😦 Some people definitely get inked before they have a chance to eat them 😂

We hope these facts made your day a little better 😘 Give us a follow before you leave 💯

With love,

Fooji HQ 😍




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